LAPIP™ (laser-assisted peri-implantitis procedure) is a laser procedure which treats infection and disease in and around dental implants, a condition known as “peri-implantitis.” Despite the best efforts of both you and our team, complications occasionally occur with dental implants. Infection may develop below the gumline, which can lead to bone loss around the implant and even the loss of the implant itself. This infection may be caused by disease, medication or even aging.

LAPIP is a specific laser therapy designed to treat this infection and restore your oral health. It is minimally invasive and does not involve the use of any scalpels or stitches, which means that your tooth structure remains intact and that other treatment options remain viable in the future. In some cases, LAPIP is even able to regenerate new bone around your implant to help keep it stable in your mouth.

When you receive a LAPIP treatment, our periodontist will use a perio probe to investigate pocket depth between your teeth and gums, then use the laser to vaporize bacteria and diseased tissue. An ultrasonic scaler will also be used to remove any plaque or tartar that has accumulated, and the laser will be reapplied to form a stable blood clot in the area and close the system.

To schedule a consultation with our periodontist and learn more about how you can benefit from LAPIP periodontal treatment, please call our office today.