The first stage of the implant process is the dental implant placement. For your treatment to be successful, you need to have healthy gums and enough bone mass in your jaw to support the implant. Depending on the health of your smile, you may require a gum or bone graft before your implant is placed.

The implant itself is a small screw or post, usually made of titanium, which is very biocompatible. It is placed directly into your jawbone, and as you heal from the surgery, the implant post will integrate with your jaw. This process, known as osseointegration, will stabilize the implant. The implant, in turn, will replace the lost tooth root. The pressure on the implant from biting and chewing stimulates your jawbone and keeps it strong and healthy.

Once the implant site has healed, our periodontist will direct you to your general dentist to place the crown, also known as the dental implant restoration. The restoration replaces the visible portion of the tooth and will allow you to eat and speak normally and smile with confidence.

If you would like to learn more about the dental implant placement process and learn if this treatment is right for you, call our office to plan your visit with our periodontist.